April 29, 2011

"Are you ready for your trip?" - asks everyone

Trip just doesn't sit right with me. I could see trip if I was going for a month or even three months, but not 27 months. However, what else would you say because its not like you say, "have a nice life" as it certainly is not forever either. I think I'll settle for what my friend said, an extended relocation or a sabbatical from America. Yeah, that sounds more like it.

So am I ready? Oh yeah...I only have to PACK!!!!

April 27, 2011

A different morning in one week!

I went to bed last night realizing that in one week I will have landed in Suriname. So this morning I did the same thing; I woke up realizing that in one week I'll open my sleepy eyes and see an unfamiliar place compared to my hometown basement bedroom--which is packed full with memories and familiarities.

I'm curious to know what I'll see when I open those sleepy eyes and what I'll eat for breakfast...and lunch...and dinner.

Today it will be fruit, some toast with peanut butter and jelly, coffee....lunch with Shantel at Jacks Family restaurant for some borscht and a Carrie's and leftover sloppy joes and spinach salad for supper (North Dakota's dinner)!


how I feel overall and during these last few days before departure